Source code for djstripe.middleware

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: djstripe.middleware.

   :synopsis: dj-stripe middleware

   Refer to SubscriptionPaymentMiddleware docstring for more info.

.. moduleauthor:: @kavdev, @pydanny, @wahuneke
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import fnmatch

from django.conf import settings
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.urls import resolve
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin

from .settings import SUBSCRIPTION_REDIRECT, subscriber_request_callback
from .utils import subscriber_has_active_subscription


# So we don't have crazy long lines of code

[docs]class SubscriptionPaymentMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin): """ Used to redirect users from subcription-locked request destinations. Rules: * "(app_name)" means everything from this app is exempt * "[namespace]" means everything with this name is exempt * "namespace:name" means this namespaced URL is exempt * "name" means this URL is exempt * The entire djstripe namespace is exempt * If settings.DEBUG is True, then django-debug-toolbar is exempt * A 'fn:' prefix means the rest of the URL is fnmatch'd. Example:: DJSTRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUIRED_EXCEPTION_URLS = ( "[blogs]", # Anything in the blogs namespace "products:detail", # A ProductDetail view you want shown to non-payers "home", # Site homepage "fn:/accounts*", # anything in the accounts/ URL path ) """ def process_request(self, request): """Check the subscriber's subscription status. Returns early if request does not outlined in this middleware's docstring. """ if self.is_matching_rule(request): return return self.check_subscription(request) def is_matching_rule(self, request): """Check according to the rules defined in the class docstring.""" # First, if in DEBUG mode and with django-debug-toolbar, we skip # this entire process. if settings.DEBUG and request.path.startswith("/__debug__"): return True # Second we check against matches match = resolve(request.path, request.urlconf) if "({0})".format(match.app_name) in EXEMPT: return True if "[{0}]".format(match.namespace) in EXEMPT: return True if "{0}:{1}".format(match.namespace, match.url_name) in EXEMPT: return True if match.url_name in EXEMPT: return True # Third, we check wildcards: for exempt in [x for x in EXEMPT if x.startswith('fn:')]: exempt = exempt.replace('fn:', '') if fnmatch.fnmatch(request.path, exempt): return True return False def check_subscription(self, request): """Redirect to the subscribe page if the user lacks an active subscription.""" subscriber = subscriber_request_callback(request) if not subscriber_has_active_subscription(subscriber): return redirect(SUBSCRIPTION_REDIRECT)